
#184 髒髒小豬 literature study

隨著 mappi 3歲了 mama 的教學也來大改革 (其實已經是不斷在變的喇!). 新加入的是 literature study, 找一本繪本、一首兒歌、或一篇詩深入一點點來讀, 並作延伸學習.


今天的主角是這5隻小豬, 先和 mappi 讀讀 “This little piggy went to market” 的故事:

this little piggy


讀 This Little Piggy 的話當然少不了來數數手指 finger play 啦!

This Little Piggy fingerplay with Doggie


重頭戲來了! [語言訓練] !!  mama 隨便找來小豬 clipart , 在粉紅色紙上印了9隻. 逐隻問 mappi, where did this little piggy go? 誘導 mappi 為小豬編故事, 最後引到衛生面上. 下面是其中一隻小豬的語錄:

“Mappi, where did this little piggy go?”

“The park!”

“Wow, he went to the park! What did he do there?”

“He play … the slide … and swing!”

“That must be fun! Did he also play in the sandpit?”

“Yes! Play! Sand! Mappi want to play sand too!”

“Do you like playing in the sandpit too?

“Yes, I do! Mappi like sandpit!”

“Mama likes sandpits too! Oh, did this little piggy wash his hands after playing?”

“Em… no! Piggy no wash hand! No bubble bubble!”

“Oh no! Did he change his clothes?”

No! No pajama!” (小豬是穿睡衣玩沙嗎???)

“This little piggy didn’t change his clothes? Didn’t wash his hands? Is he clean or dirty?”

“Dirty dirty dirty!! Ve-------ry dirty!”

然後我們一起用手指佔沒開稀的水彩, 把小豬弄髒!



也有小豬有洗手洗面的喇~ mappi 學懂了 clean vs dirty. 最後當然要把 clean piggy 和 dirty piggy 數一數, 比一比啦!



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