
是殘酷是教育? 丹麥動物園殺長頸鹿, 公開解體餵獅



丹麥動物園殺掉一頭2歲雄性長頸鹿, 並在大人小朋友面前把長頸鹿的皮肉劏開, 切下的鮮肉餵給同園的獅子作食糧. 此舉引起網上許多爭論, 許多傳媒也有報道.

丹麥動物園指長頸鹿Marius已成年, 為避免近親交配, 為保護將來50年長頸鹿們的生態, 有時必須作出一些決擇.

丹麥動物園的長頸鹿我們幾個月前才看過, 真的很可愛. Marius 的死可否避免, 有沒有更好的方法, 我這商科女子沒有足夠的相關知識去下意見. 至於公開分屍餵獅子, 如果 Marius 必須要死的話, 如果是在丹麥進行的話, 我是認同的. 在香港的話肯定不行吧.

丹麥的文化和教育跟我們不一樣. 我所見的, 丹麥人小朋友從小就知道那 Brown Bear 和毛絨絨的 Teddy Bear 不同, 那很可愛的 Polar Bear 也可以很兇猛. 他們學的, 都是不經過濾, 血紅紅的大自然真相. 在世間斷定小朋友們看著獸醫拿著大刀把長頸鹿的皮肉一塊一塊割下來是定必驚恐失神的時候, 一位在場的丹麥人說:

“在場的小朋友們都睜大眼睛, 很用心地看. 他們可以摸那頭死去的動物, 也問了很多問題. 我沒有看到任何一位不安的小朋友.”

從照片看來, 沒有看到哭鬧, 大人小朋友也何其平靜. 在香港的話, 我想弱質媽媽如我先暈倒吧.

如果 mappi 已經讀小學, 如果我們還在丹麥, 如果 Mappi 說想要看, 我想我是會讓她參與的. 可是我會請丹麥人為 mappi 解釋. 殺長頸鹿不是為了給獅子糧食, 但既然長頸鹿死了, “牠的肉讓幾頭牛可以活下去”-丹麥動物園長說. “多可愛的動物也有逝世的一天, 這是大自然的定律.” - 丹麥人說. 能充分理解的人, 才能充分的說明.

Hello Kitty 貓的寵物貓 Charmy Kitty, 是 Hello Kitty 有愛心還是 Charmy Kitty 成了貓世界的奴隸? 可愛動物解剖要不要看? 讓孩子活在童話世界還是讓他們面對現實的殘酷?  在不同的文化, 有不同的選擇. 我看到的, 是勇敢但善良的丹麥小孩, 和純真但堅毅的香港小朋友. 育兒這回事、文化這回事, 誰也不該判斷誰.



English news by The Guardian



Dear non-danish friends,
In the last couple of days Denmark has been portrayed as a cruel country full of savage vikings that slaughter and dismember healthy animals.
Media around the world has led some of you to believe that it was done in front of innocent kids that cried their eyes out and were “very upset”. And it was all done just for the heck of it.
None of these media outlets were there. I was. And I didn’t see one unhappy kid.
But I DID see a bunch of kids standing so close to the giraffe (and the vet with the huge knife), that they could touch the dead animal and ask questions. And they did. Both. They were fascinated.
And brought to the Copenhagen Zoo on an early sunday morning by their loving parents by the way…
Some of the descriptions sounds like it was a scene out of North Korea and gives the impression that we hate animals. It was not, and we like animals.
We also like our children, and we want to educate them about nature, so they can become human beings who understands stuff.
And in nature animals die. Also the cute ones with cute names.
I posted a couple of pictures on twitter and Facebook from the scene, resulting in some rather disturbing messages like being called an assassin, and wishes for my sudden death.
To those people: Please turn of the internet. Go outside and play. Preferably in a forrest. Chances are that you might learn something. Real.


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